Wonderful Life

It is difficult, it is painful, it is fun, it is amazing, it is beautiful...it is life.

It is not often that I get time to reflect upon how wonderful a life I lead, but then you witness certain miracles that were born through life, animals, plants and humans alike, you find yourself in awe of life.

The institute where I am currently learning the French language, plays French movies with English subtitles, every Friday, and this time, it was a film on two young girls, depressed, suicidal and void of purpose or joy in their lives. 'Des filles en noir' is an interesting movie, but clearly not popular as the 'villain' of the story survives, and an innocent dies. For the complete story, I suggest you look up the movie on the net, and watch it. It compelled me to retrospect on how the good in my life, I have a functional family, place to live, good food to eat, proper education, luxuries of comfort and safety, friends, loved ones, assets and technology...I have so much, that most of the world does not. Yes, many things bother me, which seem trivial when you look at the bigger picture, but that is because I feel that with time, and progress, we as humans have forgotten the purpose of society and how to live in harmony.

Sometimes, a visual stimulus, something so bizarre and radical and abstract...reminds you the potential power of the human mind. On one side, it is capable of great evil, destruction, hate and such, on another it is a growing treasure chest of ideas and innovations to make the impossible possible, and it is the very same organ...that all humans possess, capable of creating amazing art, be it audio, visual or even something that you feel by touch. To create art that inspires, motivates,  stirs our emotional make-up, is another miracle that the human brain can perform.

It was such a miracle that I witnessed at a lighting show recently, which left me hypnotised by its beauty, colour and uniqueness, and motivated me to express the calmer nature of this sane lunatic. What a wonderful life I do lead.


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