Happy Days of An Angry Person Pt 1

There are many reasons, why I haven't posted any posts in a while, but I would like to share the main one with you. Look at the title of this blog. Now, for me to write in that context, I need to have a negative, infuriating experience to write about, but lately I have been having some of the best days with my new friends from French class. So, here's something off topic, me sharing my pleasant experiences from these past few weeks.

The first of these, was when I had gone to Jesus & Mary College's Fest where I met some friends of my friends and made new friends. Of course, with the group that we were, there was no way we could have enjoyed the evening without adding some 'flavour' to it. Once we were all set, it was just a wide range of activities to enjoy.

There was a band competition going on at the main stage, most of them were guys shredding on guitar and making animal noises for lyrics. Then there were all the food stands that overcharged you for everything, same as any college fest. The girls were rating the guys in the crowd, and we guys were assessing the women in the crowd. Two main attractions were the rides, the Columbus and the Spinner.

These would normally seem childish to me, but being with friends and flavoured up, I was up to try the experience and join the fun, which as it happened was my first time on those rides in a decade. We went to the Columbus first, and I climbed into the end seat, with my pals right in front of me. Now, if you don't know what a Columbus ride is, it is a giant boat/galleon, that is swung like a pendulum to almost 90 degrees with people on board who don't have seatbelts, and I was standing. To change the monotone of shrieks and screams, me and one of our buddies took to using our creative Dilli language and shouted swear words and phrases with every big swing. We had so much fun, we actually did this twice, emptying our arsenal of swear words in about 10 minutes.

The next ride, the Spinner. What it was, was little two seating cups, in groups of 3, which rotated individually, and the shared axis rotated too, and the entire platform that these were attached to, rotated as well. You can imagine the rest, but luckily none of us threw up. It did leave the vision spinning for a while though.

We hung around some more, but it was now getting dark, and we all had long ways to go, so we soon headed out and home, enjoying the music in the car on route to the metro station. It was a memorable experience, with some amazing people. Funny how I can always find some common footing to converse with near about anybody.


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