
I have often thought myself, fortunate, to have the kind of parenting and home environment that has given me the ability to look at life in a different way than most others. Being an addict of passive entertainment, I love to watch films, and thanks to my parents, since the beginning I have watched some of the most thought provoking films in Hollywood and Bollywood. 

Now, I am not one to watch documentaries or sob stories. I always prefer comedy and action, to thrillers or horror and have an unreasonable dislike for the romantic films. I love the sci-fi as long as the effects and monsters get my heart thumping with excitement, and a sense of anticipation of a crime-mystery. But every now and then, I stumble across a film while flipping through the channels on TV that can rattle my very existence. A film where the story affects me deeply, for whatever amount of time, but it just hits me like a wall of realizations and emotions. The film I speak of is called, "The Place Beyond The Pines". I will not say the name of the actors, nor review it, nor tell you the story of it. But I will share you my experience of watching it. This amazing, beautiful film... is a window to remind us of the harsh realities surrounding us everyday, the desperate choices faced by millions everyday across different nations in varying surroundings. They all come down this to fight between all that is good and right against that which is bad and wrong. 

I wrote a post recently about taking a stand, about doing what is right, and being worse off for it. The response, the reactions of those around me, was another look at the naked nature of human behavior, stripped of all its pretenses of civilization. I saw the faces of people that were afraid, those who will just watch, and voice thoughts void of will. But I can understand, those people are not wrong, they are simply smarter and have something to lose. It takes a mix of insanity and stupidity to try and stand alone for what you believe in, to fight when you know you will lose, to stand helplessly in the way of the blows coming your way to put you down. It hurts like hell, and you rarely have company on this path, and when you do have company you are likely to abandon them because while you can take your hits yourself, you cannot watch another be affected by your lunacy.

I would truly be better off if I didn't act the way I did, accepted the world as it is, lived in reality rather than believe in good, and got on with my small insignificant life. But then I wouldn't be me, and the only iota of happiness and my source of strength, is knowing that I'm still the stupid, lame, messed-up, insane me. It's remarkable how many emotions, one work of fiction can put us through.


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