
Showing posts from December, 2014

Christmas of 2014

"You can tell a lot about a man by the way he handles three things… a rainy day, an ill loved one and tangled Christmas tree lights" Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!! Hope everyone gets good gifts, and has a good day. This is the highlight of my Christmas 2014. I was invited to a Christmas Party by an close friend from school days, at her place. I had been waiting a long time to meet up with her anyways, and this was a good chance, so of course I went to spend the day with my friend, regardless of the guest list. Should have asked... I mean, I wouldn't have missed it, but still, should have asked.  You know that awkward moment, when a lot of people who are coming to your friend's party, are those you were friendly with through a common person, and you weren't that close a friend with that person anymore, and they're all with you in the same room? Yea, the air got noticeable heavy at times. But thank god for a new person, my host's college fri...

Being Human

They teach us to be productive,  not to be better people. We are bred not born. They prepare us to be slaves to the system. They dazzle us with hopes to be the leaders of the slaves when we are all slaves to our twisted nature. We are the dominant species because we are ruthless,  not just to others but to one another. That's what it means to be human, and that's what we are. Human.

The Death of a Nation

"It's impossible to consider living without ideals. However, when ideas lead to ideology, that's a very dangerous thing. Ideology then leads to creating the image of an enemy, and it leads to the murder and massacre that we've seen since the beginning of time." -Michael Haneke Now, I'm sure a lot of the people around the world have heard of the latest tragedy in the history of humanity. In a grim series of events, a group of militants broke into a school in the city of Peshawar, Pakistan, wherein they shot and killed over 140 civilians, most of whom were small children. The Taliban has claimed it to be their response to make the people feel what they go through when American bombers kill their own young. While some of the militants died by suicide bombing, others were shot dead by Pakistani forces.  Not long after, the Pakistani army allowed the media into the school to see the carnage close-up. Pools and splatters of dried blood over the floor and walls...

Happy People Annoy Me

Now, if you've read my older posts, you'd notice I hold a real grudge against public transport because I depend on it quite heavily. This is another rant on a similar topic. Usually, I travel in the Delhi Metro by myself. On the rare occasion I have a companion even just halfway, the travel just seems less depressing and not as aggravating. However, by myself, it is on most occasion the most annoying part of my daily schedule. And you can identify who all are regular metro commuters by the look of anger and disappointment on their faces when they are travelling by themselves. Anger from the travelling in metro, disappointed that they have little alternative to it.  Then there are the most annoying commuters, the happy ones. Usually these are couples, groups of friends, colleagues and like. Not families though, there's always a sour face in the family travelling in the metro to balance it up. Now, allow me to explain why happy people in the metro are annoying. It's ...

Epic Quotes from Movies - Monsieur Verdoux

Now, I won't always have enough to rant about to make a decent blog post. So I think I'll randomly share quotes from movies I watched very recently.  Today I watched an old classic from the master himself, Charles Chaplin. The movie "Monsieur Verdoux" is another brilliant piece of story telling with using comedy of the highest order, commenting on life's strange ways. Here are some of my favourite lines from the movie that I could remember and look up online. Enjoy (Pointing at Charle's character i.e. Verdoux, addressing the jury and the public in the courtroom) The Prosecutor : Observe him, gentlemen. This man, who has brains, if he had decent instincts, could have made an honest living. And yet, he preferred to rob and murder unsuspecting women. In fact, he made a business of it. I do not ask for vengeance, but for the protection of society. For this mass killer, I demand the extreme penalty: that he be put to death on the guillotine. The State rests i...

Idiots Behind Wheels(explicit)

Most people who drive on the road, are rubbish at it with slow reflexes, no road sense and behave like total c*nts. I live significantly far from the capital, and the daily travel has been the biggest source of continuous pain in my life for the last few years. And so, I shall have multiple rants on this subject after every extra annoying experience.  This weekend, I had gone with my family for a short drive and brunch. The social time and meals were the best part, but the driving was a pain. Stupid w*nkers breaking randomly on the highway, slow guys in the overtaking lane, and the worst of the lot - the slow, driving in two lanes, blocking overtakes like a c*nt. And there are predictable patterns in these driving-d**ks. First, being Delhi, there'll be plenty of cars with Haryana number plates. These ill-tempered bowl-heads are to steered clear off, especially if its any Maruti car besides the Suzuki Swift. That brings me to the next stereotype, most people who drive Maruti ca...

Ghosts of the Past

A lot of us are familiar with the phrase, 'ghosts of our past', ie, regrets in life or moments we wish we could forget. Thanks to modern communication, there are a lot more of these for teenagers and on occasion more difficult to get rid of those ghosts.I refer here to text messages and photos that we store on our mobile phones. I bring this up because I recently had to go back to using an old nokia phone for one of my numbers as my smartphone had conked off, and it was from the pre-whatsapp days. Now, a lot has changed in my life since I last used that phone and I had forgotten the treasure trove of memories it was. It started with the boot up photo of an old love interest of mine, from the school days. I then was going through the message inbox, and saw hundreds of stored messages between me and my ex, from when the days were good, life felt complete and the world made sense. As I glanced past the long list of messages, I could not help but feel a pang of pain of loss as...

Where's my winter?!

A few years ago in Delhi, by December the winter would have settled in and we would be wearing full sleeves during the day and jackets by night. But now, in the first week of December, and I can still roam in my tees during the day just as if it were summer. I do have to wear a pullover or sweater or jacket during the early hours and when travelling in open vehicles such as the autorickshaw. What I miss, are the afternoons where you could roam around during the day with your hands tucked into your jacket pockets, where the clothes felt snug and the city felt calmer. But this year, the mornings are a bit chilly and nights are cozy cool, and the days are sweaty uncomfotably hot, and there is no break from the city's pace. Now, I was never one with the smarts to understand the detailed science or one to stay awake in Geography, but I can safely say this is one of the many observable affects of global warming. We've been studying it for sooo long and for most of us we never took...

Restarts : The Sane-Lunatic Is Back

Hey guys, I just wanted to announce that I shall be resuming posts here. I would like to apologize for my absence to any regular readers, but I have no excuse or valid reason, lets just say I'm a lazy prick. And no, that hasn't changed much, but I do feel that this post helps me to vent my thoughts and feelings which elsewhere expressed would be seen as immoral, illegal or simply in bad taste. I have got many a story to share since last, and many more lined up ahead, along with the day to day cock-ups that I encounter. So stay tuned, as there will be fresh rants and anecdotes coming, right here. As always, do leave a comment for feedback or suggestions for future posts. Thank you!!