Epic Quotes from Movies - Monsieur Verdoux

Now, I won't always have enough to rant about to make a decent blog post. So I think I'll randomly share quotes from movies I watched very recently. 

Today I watched an old classic from the master himself, Charles Chaplin. The movie "Monsieur Verdoux" is another brilliant piece of story telling with using comedy of the highest order, commenting on life's strange ways. Here are some of my favourite lines from the movie that I could remember and look up online. Enjoy

(Pointing at Charle's character i.e. Verdoux, addressing the jury and the public in the courtroom)
The Prosecutor: Observe him, gentlemen. This man, who has brains, if he had decent instincts, could have made an honest living. And yet, he preferred to rob and murder unsuspecting women. In fact, he made a business of it. I do not ask for vengeance, but for the protection of society. For this mass killer, I demand the extreme penalty: that he be put to death on the guillotine. The State rests its case.
Judge: Monsieur Verdoux, you have been found guilty. Have you anything to say before sentence is passed upon you?
Henri Verdoux: Oui, monsieur, I have. However remiss the prosecutor has been in complimenting me, he at least admits that I have brains. Thank you, Monsieur, I have. And for 35 years I used them honestly. After that, nobody wanted them. So I was forced to go into business for myself. As for being a mass killer, does not the world encourage it? Is it not building weapons of destruction for the sole purpose of mass killing? Has it not blown unsuspecting women and little children to pieces? And done it very scientifically? As a mass killer, I am an amateur by comparison. However, I do not wish to lose my temper, because very shortly, I shall lose my head. Nevertheless, upon leaving this spark of earthly existence, I have this to say: I shall see you all... very soon... very soon.
Henri Verdoux: Wars, conflict - it's all business. One murder makes a villain; millions, a hero. Numbers sanctify, my good fellow!
Reporter: What's all this talk about good and evil?
Henri Verdoux: Arbitrary forces, my good fellow. Too much of either will destroy us all.
Reporter: We can never have too much good in the world.
Henri Verdoux: Trouble is, we've never had inough. We don't know.
Henri Verdoux: This is a ruthless world and one must be ruthless to cope with it.
Henri Verdoux: Despair is a narcotic. It lulls the mind into indifference.
Henri Verdoux: It's the approach of death that terrifies.
Girl: I suppose, if the unborn knew of the approach of life, they'd be just as terrified.
Thanks for reading, leave a comment and stay tuned for more from the Sane Lunatic.


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