Inka Kuch Nahin Ho Sakta. Can We Kill Them Please?

Its a fair question with no clear answer. How far can you push a person's patience and tolerance till they lose their sane state of mind and do things they normally wouldn't do? Its difficult for a plethora of reasons. Different people in different socio-economic life situations are annoyed, angered, irritated, and or frustrated by different things in their daily lives.

For me, if you have been following the blog, you'll notice I am particularly irritated by people not doing things as they are paid to, and being shameless about it. Especially pertaining to the woes of travel using public transport. Another episode of a rage storm inside of my head that had me digging my nails into my palms and the nerves pushing against my forehead, last night. I was going to watch a comedy play at the Shri Ram Center at Mandi House in Delhi. Now, its often that its not the most convenient for parking and traffic reasons to take your own car, so I parked at my usual place in IHC. Now, its a short auto ride away from the venue, so if all were to function as it is supposed to, it would have gone well. Instead, I had to interact with these bastards and asshole autowallahs who will only go if the destiniation fancies them or at a price of their choice instead of the fare meters they have as decorations. I even talked to a nearby traffic cop, but he sadly took no action as he and his colleague were too busy keeping an eye out for suspicious vehicles while smoking a cigarette. Nope, neither of them could just take a 30 second walk to the auto stand to give those jerks a fright or an earful. So, I trudged on, trying my luck at every chance, only to face the same chutiya smile and refusal of service. I did manage to get one to the venue eventually, and made it in time too. 

The play ended at 9 pm, and I again sought an auto back to Lodi Road. I faced the same problem. So, I took the metro to nearest station of my convenience, and there too, I had to deal with the same thing. At any other hour of day, I'd have probably got the auto no problem. But that night, either I pay what they fancied or didn't get an auto. So I told him to fuck off and walked back to the parking. Its not a long walk but its still Delhi. Now, I'll just refer to data and recent incidents that suggests its not a safe city for women, especially at night. Now, being a shabby looking male, the chances of me coming across trouble are low, but the odds aren't favorable for a lone female at that hour. She would not have the same choice and would have to pay the exaggerated fare. 

Its not just the misbehavior and refusal to do their job that annoys me, but also how openly they can do so with no consequence. Shit service with a smile. Now, I'm not very social and I don't like people. But I'm a nice guy(I think) and as long as people do as they are supposed to, everything works fine. But even a nice person has their limits of tolerance. How long before one angry commuter, has the worst day and has to put up with this shit service? We could start finding a rogue civilian out murdering and maiming autowallahs and public transport employees for refusing to do their job right. I look forward to that.


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