Batman V Superman : Dawn of Justice Movie Review

Finally!!! After all the waiting and anticipation since the first poster came out, to the point of being seated in the theater as the trailers ended and the dark gloomy version of the Warner Brothers logo came on the screen, this was the moment.

Unfortunately, it didn't start off well enough. I had booked my ticket for the 4 PM show on the 24th of March, 2016 at the INOX Theater in Garuda Mall, Bengaluru. The same place where I saw Deadpool. What happened was they messed up the 3D settings, and failed to fix it twice. But the third restart was the charm, as they finally got it right, and the packed hall of now pissed off superhero fans broke into cheer. 

But the film, oh the film, it was like a complicated woman that you desire but you know it's a bad idea. The explosions and the cinematics were gorgeous, Zack Snyder did a great job with a lot of the 3D scenes as well. Hans Zimmer music accentuating the dark tone of the narrative, and the occasional dreamy scenes of a post apocalyptic world ruled by the Krytonian, what a treat. Now, Henry Cavill has already proved himself in Man of Steel and in The Man from U.N.C.L.E. so not much pressure there, but it was on Ben Affleck and Gal Gadot to make their mark with the legendary characters they were playing. 

I have to admit Affleck's Batman is pretty impressive, especially the physique, while not in complete sync with Batman's character as we know and love. Gal Gadot was a perfectly smoldering hot Wonder Woman, her entry as the Amazon Princess was a bit too late into the film to give her the due screen time she deserves. Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor was odd, since its usually an African-American character in the comics, and the last one was Kevin Spacey. But I suppose in the long run of DC movies, it would work out, or maybe I just have too much faith in Eisenberg's acting. The new batmobile, though short lived, was a highlight for me. 

It also had a sneak peek of the lineup for DC's Justice League line-up, and maybe one too many characters stuffed into this one film. It had a lot of epic lines about God vs. Man, and the importance of being answerable to the people this alien has opted to protect. There are some very satisfying scenes of the Bat from Gotham and the Man from the Skies bashing it out, which had me so pumped full of adrenaline, I wanted to rip my Batman T-Shirt off and wear it like a cape as I jumped down the stairs to the screen, but luckily, that didn't happen.

All in all, its a must see for the fans, while it falls flat on developing any story plots, its so full of awesome fight scenes, you'll leave the grumping till later. As a fan of all things Batman and good movies, I'd give this one a 6.7 out of 8.

Next up, Civil War! Fingers crossed folks!


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