Captain America Civil War : Movie Review

Finally, after the high hopes and expectations since the announcement and the thrilling posters, Captain America Civil War is here, and it lives up to all of it.

As predictable as the Cap is, surround him with interesting characters and you get one helluva show. This film in the Marvel Universe, is a rock-em sock-em ride with phenomenal action sequences, choreographed and captured to have you on the edge of your seats. In its roughly 2 and a half hour runtime, it shows FOUR major fight scenes, and yet does not feel overstuffed.

There is an ongoing theme of superheroes being pitted against each other, and for a simple enough logical reason. No matter how strong the hero, there will always be innocents who will become casualties, there will always be some death and destruction that they cannot prevent. The Avengers till now were not accountable to anyone, and for all the destruction in the wake of their heroic efforts, someone must take responsibility for it, and we know its not going to be the government. Thus it comes to a choice, to place their freedom and power under the control and supervision of politicians, backed by a guilt-riddled Tony Stark, or not to do so and stand their ground so they can do what is right when the time comes, which is what Steve Rogers believes in.

Most of you have probably already seen the trailer, maybe even many times over, so here's a quick run through of the players on each team. Team Cap has his new buddy  Falcon (Anthony Mackie), Scarlett Witch ( Elizabeth Olsen), Hawkeye  (Jeremy Renner), a funny-as-always Ant Man (Paul Rudd) and his old buddy Bucky the Winter Soldier (Sebastian Stan).

Tony Stark aka Iron Man teams up with the Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), Vision (Paul Bettany), and two new entrants who are in no sense lightweights, Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman) and Spiderman (Tom Holland). All actors have got a solid spot and done their parts really well, contributing to the film's overall entertainment value.

Not giving away any spoilers of the story, but there's a lot of twists and turns dotted with typical banter humor between all the superhero egos. Captain America Civil War does everything right that Batman Vs Superman got wrong, the character development and plot and action sequences, all are amazing! I'd rate this movie 10 out of 11 donuts!!

Oh, and typical Marvel, stay till the absolute very end before you leave the theatre.

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