Money Monster : Movie Review

I could sum up the review in one para, but that's not what you're here for. So, lets make it more interesting.

Money Monster, is about a show with the same name, hosted by the fast-talking, high-on-success host, Lee Gates (George Clooney). As the name suggests, the show is about making money, through trading stocks, and Lee has to tell, sorry, ADVISE his viewers on what stocks to trade to make money real fast. There's this one stock that he really keeps pushing, till one afternoon, the share value drops, hard. People are out $800,000,000, or $800 Million to keep it simple, in a single moment, and the company who's share it is, simply blames it on a 'glitch' in the algorithm. No one knows what it means so no one asks further questions and no one will, or so they thought.

Cue the entry of a predictable antagonist, courier guy Kyle Budwell (Jack O'Connell) who lost all his money trading on that stock and he holds Lee responsible, to give him a better answer as to how did that company simply 'lose' $800 million. And to make sure he has their attention, he breaks into the studio as the show is being broadcast, taking Lee and his team hostage at gun point and with an explosive vest. It is up to Lee's long-time producer in the Control Room Patty Fenn (Julia Roberts) to keep the information flowing between everyone concerned and save the life of the show's host.

Made by Jodie Foster, this film DOES have a story, of sorts, with some morals here and there, and calling the Wall Street investors the bad guys, but its quite vague. It was listed as a Crime Drama Thriller here, and to be honest, that's what is wrong with the film. It's not thrilling. It's mildly entertaining at best thanks to the characters played by Clooney and Roberts, with occasional instances of comedy. I'll throw in a spoiler here, its almost a satire, but not about money and stocks.

I'd rate it 2 out of 6 cheeseburgers, and I'd suggest you wait and watch it on the tele or on disc, because this one is not worth a trip to the theaters. (Sorry George & Julia)

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