Homesick and Hurting

As I savor the last of the merci bars, given to me by friends important to me when I was in Delhi last week, I think of the many emotions coursing through my heart and mind. While most are too personal to be shared on a blog with the world, there are some that you all might be able to relate to. 

This is the first time I've been away from home base for so long and to come back felt a bit strange. To come back to where my life had been, where all the important people are, for such a short time, it was an odd sensation indeed. Like I said to my mom, it felt like I finally came home after a REALLY long shift and had to go back in the morning. 

Not to sound narcissistic but I planned it out damn well, the whole trip. I gave myself just enough time and opportunities to meet everyone I really needed and wanted to meet, AND have one of the best times of my life. I'm so grateful to my luck that everything worked out, and to my friends and loved ones to also put in their efforts to make time to meet me <3 <3 <3

That said, it was extremely difficult for me to leave and come back to Bengaluru. I don't know if I've said this before, but I'm a hugger. Big time. And I didn't have anyone to hug for almost the entirety of my time here and I still don't. Back home, I have all my friends, whom I love and miss so much, and family too, and I just got so many hugs and so much love and happiness. To walk away from it all again, not sure if I'll come back sooner or later, it was not easy. 

Its been a week now, and am still homesick for home and love. Hopefully that will pass soon enough, and I can get back to the life routine down here without too much hurt.

I miss you, all of you, and I'll be back soon. I promise. 


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