My First Year Without Summer

This has been my first year without a summer. At least one without the kind of summer I'm used to.

In terms of weather, being a Delhi kid, the only summer I know of is the one with days so hot that it feels like you're being slow roasted and other days when the warm breeze would hit your insides through your clothes and make you ill for a week. The summer where rainy days were the best and became a cause for celebration.  The summer where you would enter an air conditioned room and instantly feel happy for a moment.

In Bengaluru, except for that one relatively hot month, the weather is perpetually pleasant. Why or how is that a negative may not make sense to some of you, it does not sit well with a body tuned to deal with comparatively harsh extremities of weather in terms of hot and cold. The constant damp and rainy weather has thrown my body's adaptive mechanisms of balance somewhat. But, thanks to my trusty hoodie jackets, I'm coping with this annoying pleasantness.

Now, in a less direct interpretation, this has also been my first summer as an 'adult' who is not part of any institutional educational programme. No more month-long breaks, no assured changes in life after each semester, not even any week-long breaks. And as we enter the third quarter of 2016(July-September), the phase that has not gone well for me 2 years in a row, I cannot help but be skeptical of what will happen over the next 3 months.

This is my first year as what current societal norms define as "a grown up". My behaviour has not changed much, I still live with family and I still make a lot of impulsive mistakes. The only qualification to be called a grown up seems to be the fact that I've completed my due sentence in our educational system and come out of it without any critical damage.

While I did finish college last year itself, there was a period of a total of 3 months that I was not in any gainful employment for the rest of 2015, so I did get that break still. This year however, I have not afforded myself that luxury.

This truly is, my first year without summer.

Note - Hey!! Sorry for such a long gap without any posts, been busy with things that shouldn't have taken so much of my time. I just wanted to thank you for your support of my blog, seeing that people read what I have to say and hopefully like it is quite nice. Hope you guys like this one too, and remember to subscribe to my blog so you can get the latest updates from the Loon! See ya!


  1. Nicely done Sane Lunatic .

    Since you have already had a year without summer in South and Central North of India , why don't you make a mind now to stay in some hilly area the next year - Maybe J&K next year , and then move to North eastern side the year after that . :P

    PS - my literally first read for any blog and first comment too for that - so ignore all the mistakes and keep guessing who i am till my next comment :p


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