"That's How It Is" Vs. "Fuck This, I'm Out!"

"That's how it is, can't help it" is a phrase applicable to way too many things in life. While there are motivators out there talking about not being that guy, we all know there are some things that really can't be helped. If you go out in the cold without a sweater, you WILL feel cold. If you eat something that is heaped with hot chili sauce, you will be crying for some way to soothe the burning sensation in your digestive system. That's how it is.

But there are a lot of things when if you don't like how it is, there is the appropriateness of the phrase "Fuck this, I'm out!". Now, I admit, many situations where we feel like we would want to say that, we don't, we can't. That's because the repercussions of 'getting out' would not be worth it, which is also completely justifiable. But if that is not the case, why stay in a situation that can't be helped and is something you're not comfortable with? Why bend? Why bow down and bear with it when you CAN get out?

For a person with an ego my size, with a strong sense to try and stick to my principles as far as I can, I find it hard to to be a "That's how it is" person. I'm often if not regularly a "Fuck this, I'm out" kinda guy. Because if I'm not okay with it, and it's not worth the difficulty, or if I cannot bear with it, I will not stay in that situation. I will make my choice, after careful contemplation, and then stick to it no matter what comes next. This is, for better or worse, how I deal with many things in life.

It's a simple matter of weighing out your choices. If it is important to you and the reward for your patience is worth it to you, then there is no shame being a "That's how it is" person. But if it's not, and the only thing holding you back is the fear of being judged? Then I urge you to take a stand, be strong, and say "Fuck this, I'm out" and walk away from the situation that you're not okay with and isn't worth your patience.

There are two possible feelings that may follow : one, will be this lump in your throat and a giant cloud of doubt of whether you did the right thing. At this point, feel free to weigh your choices again, and if this still feels like the right choice, then walk on and in a lil while you'll feel completely fine with your decision, accompanied by a sense of strength in self, and freedom. The second possible feeling would be of immediate self-satisfaction. A sense of freedom, of having made the choice that was right to you, and sticking by it.

Of course, the world doesn't work in black or white, just a huge blob of grey, choices varying as per situations and times. But everyone tends to lean a lot more to one side than the other, so I ask you, are you one to just bend over and say "That's how it is"? Or are you more of a "Fuck this, I'm out" kinda person? I know which ones I prefer.

Thanks for reading, hope you liked it. As always, feel free to share, comment and subscribe for the latest updates from the loon!


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