The Rant & The Hope of An Average Guy

In a world of over-achievers and young entrepreneurial giants, the life of the average folk has become even more frustrating. While it may seem like a whine of the middle class, it extends to more than that. Especially in India, for those who didn't study sciences or engineering, for the hundreds of thousands college graduates who weren't top of their class or particularly outstanding in extra-curricular fields, there is barely any appreciation. 

They say that the economy is slowing down, yet those few at the top are still headlining with amounts in the millions. While I understand that those figures are credited to their companies and not to their personal accounts, but it is a tad bit annoying how the hundreds and thousands of regular people who help that guy at the top make those millions are rarely appreciated for just doing their job right. 

The fact that enough global leaders today are not those who were born with a silver spoon, but those who struggled and fought their way to the top, makes it harder for the average guys to feel good about themselves. They did nothing wrong, plenty of these people put in their effort and hard work to get where they are, and when they ask for compensation the world simply says it wasn't enough.

Just because they didn't have a great idea, or the confidence to try and sell the idea, or the opportunity, doesn't make them any less. As someone who strives for greatness, I find myself cornered when trying to explain what greatness means to me. As a movie guy, there's a lot of quotes and dialogs that motivate me when I'm down, or looking for ideas, but one line in particular haunts me. This line from the acclaimed film 'Whiplash', where J.K. Simmons' character tells prodige drummer Andrew, "There are no two words more harmful in the English language than 'Good job'". A film that portrays the climb from good to great, and the insanity that comes with it, that dialog haunts me every time someone says that about my work. It scares me that I will never become great, or that I've already lost my chance. But I haven't, because I haven't stopped trying to progress and to grow. Even in a career category where professionals of my age are already far ahead of me, I haven't stopped trying, no matter how frustrating it is.

But even with all these rants and the dark-shaded view of the world I have, I too have some hope. And it is to all who feel the same or can relate to what I've been saying in this post, whatever happens, don't stop trying till you get what you were working for. Whatever be the goal for your happiness or greatness or self-satisfaction, keep chasing it. It's okay to feel lost and wanting to quit, but don't quit. Take a breather, have a drink, get back up, keep pushing. Because no matter how much it hurts now, it doesn't compare to how much it will hurt if you stopped trying and stopped moving forward.

Not all of you may reach those goals, but nobody can ever point at you and say you didn't try your darndest to get there. And your people who love you, or simply care about you, will have your back when you need it most. So DON'T STOP TRYING.


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