To Dance Or Not To Dance

7 out of 10 times, you will not see me dancing at any event or party. Why? I don't like to. But then what about those 3 other times when I do? I love dancing then. So, do I hate to dance or not?

Long ago, I took dance lessons to overcome the excuse that I simply didn't know how to dance. I got pretty good at it too. But I realized something extremely important, soon enough. It wasn't that knowing how to dance made me enjoy it, but rather the confidence it gave me, that allowed me to enjoy the art of dance. I would dance at friend's parties, college fests, even at the rare wedding I'd agree to attend. I was still quite picky of what kind of songs I was willing to dance to, which would also go away after a drink or two. Through all those times, I loved dancing, even if I was doing something quite silly or minimal.

Of course, the group I was with while dancing too played a major role in my decision to join in or not. But since I quit dance lessons and stopped hanging out with the dancers, I feel that I simply do not WISH to dance. With the exception of the few, right people who can make me overcome my hesitation to move my body to music other than rock in a very visible manner, I simply cannot be bothered to do more than sway a bit and tap my foot.

I just attended a 'music festival' where they played only EDM  kind of tracks, to which thousands were 'dancing' or jumping, and I felt no inclination to take my hands out of my pockets and do anything more than tapping my foot to the beats. One figure in the midst of the flailing crowd, standing still to extremely loud beats and tunes.

I observed the different group dynamics at work of the people around me who WERE dancing. Couples had their own thing going on, enjoying each other's company and the music, not bothered by much else. Groups of friends, sober or not seemed to get each other going to bust some moves, be them impressive or just downright silly. Now these observations made me re-think my preferences to dance or not. I too have acted similarly in similar group dynamics with the right people. But that was quite some time ago. Would I still behave the same way? Or have I truly lost most if not all interest in 'dancing' at events and parties? I was left unsure of my answer to a big question, as I walked away from the noise and the crowd, a question for future events or parties, of how to be true to myself. The question, to dance, or not to dance?


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