The Color White
Many people would be aware of the connection between colors and the emotions they evoke. Sometimes the connections get established in traditions, while many are experienced throughout the different phases of our lives. In this post, I would like to share my thoughts and feelings about the color white. From the little bit of physics, I did understand and remember, all the other colors in our visual spectrum originate from white, making it the source of all colors, thus its relation to the concept of neutrality and fairness. If you were to Google about the color white, most results will speak of how it is a dominantly positive color, often associated with purity, rebirth, starting afresh, cleanliness, safety and so on. While I agree that I too often associate the color white with those emotions and concepts, I am somewhat surprised not to find a piece that covers all the generic bases of emotions that I associate with white. I find white to be a color, that while being positive, d...