2 weeks in a new city at 2 months sober : Update from the Loon

Hello folks! As we're coming to the end of 2016, a year that...hasn't been the most pleasant one of the last few, and that sentiment resonates across the globe, I hope you all are doing okay. I have a couple of updates for you all, starting with the fact that the Loon has now relocated to the city of Mumbai, to pursue a career opportunity that I have been rather fond of, for a long time.

Now, there's a lot to get used to when you shift to a new city, particularly if you're a Delhi man moving to Mumbai where the difference in lifestyle comes as quite a shock. Even more so, as this is the first time that the Loon will be living in an accommodation that is not his own, or to himself, and has to be shared with multiple people, so many rants can be expected. Though I suppose the posts of woe of that experience will be a series of its own, and that's the second update.

An obvious change would be how the frequency of posts from the Loon goes down whenever new employment opportunities are engaged in, so, I just want to say thanks for being understanding about that. There is also the matter of a second blog that the Loon has been operating for a few months now, called 'The Auto Loons', that is for the enthusiasm and interest in cars, motorsports and such, and I have shared previously that if people would like to contribute content for that blog, please do, and the content will be credited to you only, but simply hosted on the Loon's auto blog.

To explain the title of this post, I have been in Mumbai for about 15 days now, living with friends and family while I was looking for accommodation, and that the Loon has been on a break from all alcoholic beverages for two months now. And new life experiences are that much more challenging when you're absolutely sober. Not encouraging alcoholism, but a beer every now and then does help deal with shit.

Thanks for reading, stay tuned for more reviews and a new series on the blog. Feel free to comment, share and subscribe!


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