For the Mad Ones...

We try so hard. Everyone for different reasons, sure, but we all try so so hard. Try hard for what? To be better? To be bigger? To be smarter? To be faster? To be richer? To be more something something. To be the best at something something. And that's fine. You know, for a lot of people, that is the motivator. That gives them the satisfaction. That drives them, to be the best at something, or be more something at something than a lot of other people. But the key line there, is that it gives them satisfaction. And if we throw aside the smiley and colourful imagery associated with being happy, we can say satisfaction and happiness are pretty darn similar.

For many, the definition of happiness is defined by what we were told. By what we grew up thinking to be the goal that would give us happiness. And then we believe in it and that is also okay. We try our hardest, and some of us even achieve it. And by then, for many of the few who make it, a lot of time has passed. And for few of those few who make it, they'll still not be happy. Because along the whole way, they never had to face the unpleasant experience of trying to figure out what THEY think will make them happy. They could be wrong, but that's why it's unpleasant. TILL you figure it out.

I know. Big risk. Try to find happiness and have no certainties along the way? That's madness. What about the realities of life? Fair questions. And make a lot of sense. But if you are one of the mad ones, here's a little message for the few of you: Go for it. Go after that crazy little thing called happiness. It may lead you down paths unexpected, so be open to changing what you think your happiness is or could be. But don't stop chasing it. Find it. Follow it. Live it.  And don't you let it go.

Be the best you can be? That's too narrow a goal. Be the happiest you can be. Everything else happens along the way. 


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