When it's all a bit too much

So...it's been a while. And a lot has been going on. In terms of things that piss me off, and a lot of other people as well. In the country where I currently dwell, and in the world at large.

There is the humanitarian crisis that the people of Aleppo are currently facing, what with the rebels and the army and the Russians hashing it out. They're actually sending out 'final' goodbyes through tweets and short videos on social media. I say 'final' because I hope a lot of them do survive to live another day, but still, many probably won't. And these are just those with access to smartphones and internet. In a war-zone that people know of thanks to media. One of the many places where such crisis' are probably as frequent as the rain in Bengaluru. *sigh*

Then there is the mainstream news of the cabinet appointments being made by President-elect of the United States of America, Donald Trump. I have no understanding of the details of how their political system works, but just about anything that man does, seems to make the democratic liberal feel their insides twist in agony, so its probably not any good news. Still, my favorite source of satire of the US news continues to bring humor to the table, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, thank the lucky stars for that man. Conan is pretty good too.

The internet is getting more and more....diverse...in opinion, and I suspect we soon have e-segregation? Not on the basis of any physical features of the people, but purely on the basis of the divide in our thoughts and principles. I understand that people can never truly be united without a species-level threat facing them, but this kind of divisiveness is just...disgusting.

On home base, things get messier. The Supreme Court ruled that it is now compulsory to play the national anthem before every film, and while they couldn't make it a rule, I'm pretty sure I would be taking a significant risk if I don't stand for the damn thing next time I go for a movie, especially not in a city as 'patriotic' as Mumbai.

Then there has been the ongoing 'nationwide-economic-fuck up of the century till now', more commonly referred to as the demonetization issue, whereby the popularly elected PM announced that the form of currency notes that constitute almost 80% of the country's cash, is no longer valid. Then, to support this radical economic decision, they did a great job of not being ready for it with increased volumes of still-legal smaller denomination currency or with the new, redesigned currency notes leading to a cash shortage, which has fucked the smaller businesses in rather spectacular manner. Nice one. Oh, and many fans of the current PM, a large number of the people that you'd meet within the metro cities, are still blindly singing praise of him, for having good intentions as this whole fiasco was supposed to help fight the problem of untaxed and off the book money.  And these are the kind of fucktards who beyond a stage cannot be reasoned with and take it personally if you call them fucktards to their face. I mean, if they can call me names just because THEY 'feel' I am a certain kind of individual, I have just as much right to call them what I 'feel' they are? Just being fair.

So, yeah, with all such crazy stuff going on, and me actually being rather happy in how things are in MY own life, I don't really rant as much. Not just because I am happier, but also when it's all just a bit too much to actually look at.

Stay tuned for more from the loon, especially on the new series, 'Colaba Diaries', and for some more changes to the blog. Thanks for reading! Feel free to share, comment and subscribe.


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