No I will not wish you a Happy New Year so fuck off!

 It's basically a really tightly wound switch. It's not a very big one so most things avoid tripping it, but it also makes it hard to keep an eye out for it. Which is why, anything at any moment could set it off. This one however, is a regular.

I really really deeply dislike festive cheer and the whole happy mood that it seems to put most people in. It is hard to put into words exactly how annoying it is, but lets make an attempt. It's like this itchy sensation inside of your head, and no matter what, you can't seem to get at it, and you just want to smash your head open. Or consider the sensation when you feel really hungry and you have access to just about all the usual junk food and delicacies, but not one of those seems to be the thing you seem to be craving for, and then you eat something anyway but it wasn't up to the low standards that fast food has, and now you've spent that money, you're still hungry and even more annoyed. Now, the cumulative levels of feeling annoyed in those moments, that's how annoyed I get with festive cheer and the people who try to spread it.

I get it. You're happy. You're looking forward to celebrating or having a good time or simply hopeful for a better time ahead. Good for you. But keep it to your fucking self!! Don't be going around wishing people and being enthusiastic and positive, or if you can't help it, have the good sense to know who all to not do it to. But till date, any such person I've met can't seem to get the hint till I'm just about to punch them in the gut if they don't let me be. And at the going rate, I will end up punching someone soon enough.

The beginning of a new calendar year, particularly annoying. It's a change of the fucking calendar! That's just about it. And yet there is this immense social pressure to celebrate this and have a good time. Yes, if I care about you, I will wish you and I will respond to your wishes. But when everyone you even look at, says 'Happy New Year' like its the new 'hello', which is still annoying (just do a heads-up nod), it is bloody irritating. So, you could be very polite, you could be a nice person, you could be my boss, you could be the head of the god damn United Nations. But no. I will not wish you a 'Happy New Year' and you can take your festive cheer and fuck off. I don't need THAT kind of positivity around me right now.


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