The Colaba Diaries: Ep 5 - Less busy but always occupied

This time it's been even longer since the last post - 25 days! I haven't been as busy as I was last time. Maybe while updating you guys I'll also figure out where the time went. So, last time we...'spoke', I was just getting free from the whole rush of the awards event of the office I work for, and since then things have been a lot calmer. Yes, there was one significant drastic event which did shake me up, but it was quite personal, and not a part of the Colaba life, so I'll leave that out.

I've been reasonably busy at work, restricted to the office mostly, not that I'm complaining. But now that I've had a taste of being out on drives and shoots, it's a tough rush to come off of. Along with the work, I've also been relatively occupied with the whole living scenario, and in between, I had about 10 cunt-free days as that cunt roommate of mine was out of town for some reason. Man, those days were a welcome break, especially with the timing.

Valentine's day passed too, which was awesome thanks to my favourite person(I'm the luckiest guy), and also...rather interesting. Details of which I'm afraid I will not be sharing with you good readers, but I can say that I had a good Valentine's day and I hope you did do. I don't mean that I hope you found a date or fell in love, am NOT one to put that kinda pressure that too for an occasion thought of by greeting card companies. I'm just saying that if you were planning to celebrate it too, in whatever way, I hope it went well for you.

Right, back on point. Well, to make my point, nothing particularly interesting or adventurous has happened for the Loon these past few weeks. Work has been plenty but not hectic like last time. The most notable change in routine would be the part that my good friend Zoo (from the Zoosome weekend) has also moved to Mumbai, though in a different area altogether. So, while she's house hunting, I tag along too, get an idea of the areas I wouldn't have explored otherwise and at the end of the day we end up going somewhere fun to relax and unwind.

For instance, two weekends ago, we went to a pub/restobar after a day of scouting, called '3 Wise Monkeys', where they had karaoke that night. I'm happy to tell you that almost everyone who got the mic was half decent at singing, particularly an old man who did like 3 songs that night and a pretty decent rendition of 'My Way' by Frank Sinatra. The place offered beer in a globe, which was a poorly designed transparent plastic world globe with the continents outlined and a beer tap. I liked the idea, but I do wish the execution was better.

This past weekend we were looking for a place to hang around in the area close to Juhu Beach and found a cool place called 'Hippie Yoga Cafe' where they have an environment of absolute chill with mattresses to sit on and nice ice teas. You can paint, you can play board games or you can just go by yourself and enjoy a book. I'm not telling you where it is (keeping it quiet and peaceful for myself), but it's a really nice place and I'm definitely gonna go there again.

I've been missing out on movies too that way, but I managed to catch one yesterday. No way I was gonna pass up on the Lego Batman Movie. But yeah, I've been less busy, but always occupied. The past few weeks have been rather....normal. In the sense that I won't be sharing the details of the personal moments, some of which were really amazing, but in terms of what I would or can share with you good people.

That said, I am definitely going to get back to penning down (typing out) some of the ideas and thoughts I've had floating in my head and will be sharing them soon.  That's pretty much it for this episode of the Colaba Diaries, I hope you liked it. Thanks for reading and feel free to comment and subscribe to get the latest updates. Till next time!

Ps, Almost forgot, I have developed an interest in origami. Here's a butterfly I made :)


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