That's My Spot

I'm a human who really likes to find a place that makes me feel comfortable and then not budge from it. Quite seriously, I do not like budging from it. But life doesn't necessarily work that way now does it? It pushes you. It'll poke you, it'll nudge you, it'll try and roll you out of your zone, and if it needs to, it'll kick you out of it, even pick you up and hurl you out of it should that be the case.

That's kind of how I felt when I had to come to work in the city of Mumbai. I mean this city is so far out of my comfort far that I don't even have a metaphorical reference that could help explain it. But, having been here for a few months now, and accepting that in the circumstances, if all works out, I'd be staying in this city for a lot longer, certain changes in my attitude have come about. In the months that have passed, I have come to find a couple of...spots, where I feel relatively comfortable and at peace, a welcome break from the daily stress of where I live.

It was in the middle of a conversation that the realisation hit me, and I was awash with a sense of gratitude and a bit of a connect with those places. It's not a location in general, not a street, not a chain restaurant, not an address. It''s a spot. The spot that I am standing on. On that spot, I feel okay, it feels familiar, it feels certain, it feels like I can be at ease there. That spot? The space I'm standing (or sitting) on? That's MY spot.

I mean, I'm sure a lot of other people come around it, stand there too, or whatever. But when I need my comfort and calm, in this city, I go to those spots. Those particular locations that I go and stand or sit at and feel okay. What I'm trying to say, or rather, WHY I'm talking about this, is because I want to share that, realisation, that concept, with you all. You know, when you're in a strange city, when nothing is familiar, and you're not quite social, or you're not in a position to visit the people who matter to you, just find your spots.

Find the spot where you would stay for hours and make phone calls to the people you love. Sit where the view is just what your heart needs. Stand where the wind caresses you and embraces you. Or whatever you're looking for, just find the small spaces that have that for you. Find your spot, and you should be okay for a bit, every day.

If it helps, here's a few snaps of my spots that I want to share with you all:

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