Breaking Point

Woah! It's almost the end of April and this is only my second post this year that isn't a movie review. Am I getting old and boring or simply more careful of what I openly express in this increasingly dangerous and intolerant social atmosphere? Or maybe just a little lazy with putting thoughts into written form. Meh. Time for a personal update from the Sane Loon and it's not a good one as you can guess from the title of this blog. I don't even know how many real people read this and how many are just page-pings from bots trawling the worldwide web, but I feel like it helps me get things off my chest here without losing much of my privacy. Getting back to the title of this post, 'Breaking Point'. I'd assume that many of you like me have come across this expression before and most probably on some news channel with a story describing the volatile state of some nation or the other. Or maybe in a novel that has some intense circumstances. Nonetheless, he...