The Last 4 Months Of 2018: Pretty Darn Good! Happy New Year!

Hi! It's been a while since the last post because I haven't been out to see a movie which is mainly because of how busy I am nowadays. But I couldn't pass on the opportunity to do a short year-end post as we head into 2019. I'm going to focus on the last four months in particular because they have been quite the turnaround in my fortunes in so many different ways. Starting off with September which kicked off with a round of interviews for a new job, the kind of job I had been looking for throughout the year. Even better was finally getting the job, despite all manners of issues coming up in the last minute that could well have led to completely different outcomes. My success in getting this new job was also a big boost to my self-confidence and made me feel so, so relieved because it meant that I had not stubbornly put myself through all that pain and anxiety for nothing. Another big part of September was how hard I was working on my automotive blog, The Auto Loon...