The Last 4 Months Of 2018: Pretty Darn Good! Happy New Year!

Hi! It's been a while since the last post because I haven't been out to see a movie which is mainly because of how busy I am nowadays. But I couldn't pass on the opportunity to do a short year-end post as we head into 2019.

I'm going to focus on the last four months in particular because they have been quite the turnaround in my fortunes in so many different ways. Starting off with September which kicked off with a round of interviews for a new job, the kind of job I had been looking for throughout the year. Even better was finally getting the job, despite all manners of issues coming up in the last minute that could well have led to completely different outcomes. My success in getting this new job was also a big boost to my self-confidence and made me feel so, so relieved because it meant that I had not stubbornly put myself through all that pain and anxiety for nothing. Another big part of September was how hard I was working on my automotive blog, The Auto Loons, which you should check out. But the third BIG highlight of that month was that I finally started going out of my house to meet other people for which I am particularly thankful to my friend JV who made time for me, my fussy schedule and even sponsored my outings. Thanks so much for the fun evenings buddy. I joined my new office in the last week of September.

If you're familiar with the calendar most of us follow without too many questions, the next month was October which is already cool to begin with because that's the time of my birthday. But in a bittersweet turn of events, my favourite human also moved back into town and without any nannying for the entire month. That allowed me to spend nearly ALL of my free time with her, every weekend and at the end of just about every workday to come home before having to go back home. I had a lot of fun with my Coco and we did a lot of fun things together which we wouldn't get the chance to otherwise - go out for dinner dates, cook food at home, play Monopoly, do colouring and so much more. A lot of it was possible thanks to the help of my friends whom I have not been the most considerate of for quite some time, so, I really appreciate you lot even though I don't show it. This October of 2018 was one of the best collective months of my life so far.

I won't lie to you, November was a bit of a let down after how amazing October had been. It did start with me getting my first paycheck in a long time and that too, on time. That meant I could buy myself stuff and for the first time in 2018, not be under the minimum balance at the end of the month. November had its moments still, some with #MyFavourite as well. Unfortunately, I was out of town for an office trip on the date on my lady's birthday this year so I didn't get to meet her on her day. But, as it happened, I fell mildly sick the day before which meant I stayed back at the hotel while my colleagues went off into the nearby wilderness for camping. As a result, I could spend the hours of the date ticking over to her birthday with her in usual long-distance fashion — on call, and talking till she fell sound asleep. The work trip was a week-long affair which was a whirlwind of new faces, excessive social interaction and high levels of productivity too. Yet at the same time, I had some really good food and a good time in good company...with people who work in the same company. It was nice. The office building was literally called 'The Daftar':

That brings us to the last month of 2018 and December has been pretty good too in a different kind of way. I finally got my birthday present from my lady - the Kimi Raikkonen biography which I'm crazy about. I also got to treat myself to some cool purchases with my salary - mainly my new turbo-green hoodie from Nike and the start of my scale model car collection with the Bburago Ferrari F12tdf 1:24. It has also been the month that I finally met up with another long time friend of mine, Partho, and catch up with him on a lot of things that had happened in the last couple of years. In December, the movie Bohemian Rhapsody came out and watching that reignited my love for Queen and their songs. I also got to meet up with JV again as well as another college buddy I hadn't seen in years and got to have a really fun afternoon with good conversation and good people. To top it off, I managed to order a Kimi Raikkonen official Scuderia Ferrari cap (you can read about why that's so important in this piece I wrote earlier in 2018) which even got delivered in time. In this month, I've also been able to meet my lady for lunch at McDonald's a couple of times when I was working from home. So yeah, December's been a good one too.

As we head into the new year, I do have some goals for myself in terms of my health and my career. I also aim to be much more financially responsible than before, which isn't a lot but it's a start. Finally. But most of all, I hope that 2019 turns out to be a year of hard work, results and productive opportunities.

Thanks for the continued support and as always, feel free to leave a comment, subscribe to get updated on my latest post and click on the ads to help me make some money out of this venture in 2019. I wish all of you readers a healthy, interesting and Happy New Year!


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