
Showing posts from February, 2019

The Lego Movie 2: Movie Review

Image Emmet is back! If you don't know who the hell is Emmet then you need to log on to some online streaming service- Netflix, Amazon Prime or YouTube or whatever to watch 'The Lego Movie' which came out in 2014 and was a block-buster success *wink wink*. This, in case you didn't figure it out, is the sequel. And it's pretty awesome. The storyline builds from where the first movie ended and as it references to the real-world kids who build with Lego to make the story, the theme moves along with their age. The main master-builder human is now in his early teens and going through his brooding phase while his little sister has now grown up a bit too. As any sibling would tell me or you, there are always fights for the toys. Emmet (Chris Pratt) and the gang now live in a Mad Max inspired Apocalypseburg where everything is not awesome and everyone is thinking of how tough and bleak life is with the main crew adopting the theme too. Except for him. He...