Avengers: Endgame : Movie Review

Is this even necessary? Is there anybody here who hasn't yet seen the final instalment of Avengers? Or needs to read a review to decide whether they should watch it? If yes, then this is for you.

This is the last one. The closer. The end of an era. Maybe not the end of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but the end of the Avengers as we've come to know them. 11 years and 21 movies later, Avengers: Endgame picks up where Avengers: Infinity War left off. Earth lost to Thanos. The damn universe lost to Thanos. Half of all living things were erased and we were left with a handful of surviving heroes on the green planet - 'Captain America' Steve Rogers, 'Black Widow' Natasha Romanoff, Thor, Hulk, 'War Machine' Rhodey, Rocket Racoon and as it happens 'Iron Man' Tony Stark himself.

A few weeks after the snap, a half-dead Tony and now ally Nebula are brought back to Earth by newcomer Captain Marvel. The team was still trying to hunt down Thanos and assess the full extent of losses suffered across the universe. With Nebula's help, they're finally able to track down the purple Titan. Their plan? Kill Thanos, use the stones to undo the culling. The problem? Thanos used the stones...to destroy them. Thor finally axes his head off for good measure. However, the heroes return emptyhanded to salvage and protect whatever was left.

The movie does a 5-year time skip and life on Earth is still gloomy to say the least. One nosy rat happens to trip a switch inside a suspicious van that happens to have a peculiar machine inside it. Those who watched Ant-Man and the Wasp would know that Paul Rudd's character was stuck inside the phantom zone when Thanos' snap turned Hope into dust. Well, that's the machine they were using and that brings him back to normality. However, the 5 years were only 5 hours for him. With this information, Cap, Nat and Scott head to Tony with one crazy idea - what if we could go back in time and stop Thanos from collecting the stones altogether? Maybe use them to bring everybody back?

If I tell you anymore of the plot, I'd be accused of severe spoilers for what happens next. What I can say is that the next couple of hours of reel time are wholesome and filled with tear-jerker moments and some really funny moments too. Like, actually laughing out loud and getting a bellyache kind of funny. Our favourite stone-being Korg makes an appearance too and Taika Waititi's delivery is still as hilarious as ever. While some argue that the movie drags on in certain moments, but I felt that the slow moments gave time for the audience to bond a little more with their heroes. To see them get a second chance to say something, to do something, knowing they can't risk changing the sequence of events. Those cinematic narratives really gave this superhero flick an unexpected depth of emotions.

But the final moment, the battle to end it all? Everything I'd hoped for and more. The scale of the carnage, the choreography and scenes that looked like evocative paintings to convey the chest-pounding epicness of it all. Avengers Endgame brings it all and spectacularly so. Obviously, I can't tell you how the battle ends but be prepared to feel reinvigorated, exclaim in excitement and also to wipe away some tears.

There isn't a post-credit scene, but the first set of animated credits are worth sitting through and then there is a 'noise' at the very end. Something that will be understood and will resonate with all the fans who've followed the franchise since 2008.

I'd rate Avengers: Endgame at 8.5 bottles of beer out of 10. It's extremely entertaining as a superhero movie to call the curtains on a decade long saga and caters to its fans very well indeed.

Now we can all start planning our 22-movie long Marvel Cineverse binge. Here's the sequence of the movies as they were released to make it easier:
  1. Iron Man
  2. The Incredible Hulk (2008)
  3. Iron Man 2
  4. Thor
  5. Captain America: The First Avenger
  6. The Avengers
  7. Iron Man 3
  8. Thor: The Dark World
  9. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
  10. Guardians Of The Galaxy
  11. Avengers: Age Of Ultron
  12. Ant-Man
  13. Captain America: Civil War
  14. Doctor Strange
  15. Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2
  16. Spider-Man: Homecoming
  17. Thor: Ragnarok
  18. Black Panther
  19. Avengers: Infinity War
  20. Ant-Man & The Wasp
  21. Captain Marvel
  22. Avengers: Endgame


  1. Now after 22 movies at least sonny, you should advice people to see it in chronological order, not in the order they were released

    1. I wasn't a 100% sure of their chronological order of the Marvel cineverse timeline, but even if someone were to watch them in the order of release, it would make sense too I guess. Although, you can share the chronological order in the comments here if you wish :)

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