The Curse Of Living In Interesting Times

My old man reads a lot of books. Often, I get to hear of some random quips, quotes and facts from whatever he's been reading or if something catches his fancy. In one of our discussions, he mentioned this phrase that is sometimes used to curse one's enemies: "May you live in interesting times". It's funny, it made me laugh and it was catchy enough to stick in my brain. Looking at how things are today, I can't help but think of it as one of the most devious curses one could wish upon someone. I have abstained from my rants for a long time now as the political discourse in my country of residence is a risky topic. As a person who wishes to take sides with no party, good or evil, it's in my best interest to prioritise survival, even if that means lurking in the shadows. While those issues have been plaguing my surroundings for a few years now, I have managed to find a sort of nihilistic calm in my chambers. After all, these are democratically elected oppre...