Understanding Privilege & Entitlement

Some of the pedantic readers here will probably know what the word means and wonder why it isn't obvious to anyone who is a fluent user of the English language. But the truth is, most people don't see any difference between the two. Perhaps because the word 'entitled' is also closely related to 'privileged'. It is yet another case of lost meaning thanks to the unchecked misuse of words in the increasingly toxic social media space. I actually got the idea for this post from a very close friend who shared her disdain for the entitled during this pandemic crisis. I share her sentiment but it made me question the actual meaning of the word itself and I too was faced with the same linguistic smack as I saw the flaw in my wordy ways. It is no surprise that modern English, like any widely spoken language, is extremely confusing once you get into the details. I have come across the phrase "sense of entitlement" to describe someone who has unreasonabl...