Why I Stopped The Rants

Hello folks! It's been a while. Over three months to be precise. But it's been far longer since I last posted a rant on the blog that was originally called 'Rants of a Sane Lunatic'. The short answer which is also the title of this post is simple: I couldn't be bothered to. Don't get me wrong, I still rant a lot but mostly to close friends or internally.But it just became exhausting to put it out on the internet. Over the last few years, outrage and abuse have become the staple for most online content across platforms. While I agree or disagree with some people's anger, I don't care for most of them. Not because I find their cause unworthy but simply that I just didn't give a shit. The passing of time allowed me to earn some more XP and possibly some wisdom too. In a space and cultural era where exclamations like "HOW COULD YOU?!" and "HOW DARE YOU?!" or "I'M OFFENDED"...it just became uninteresting to vent some o...