Why I Stopped The Rants

 Hello folks! It's been a while. Over three months to be precise. But it's been far longer since I last posted a rant on the blog that was originally called 'Rants of a Sane Lunatic'. The short answer which is also the title of this post is simple: I couldn't be bothered to.

 Don't get me wrong, I still rant a lot but mostly to close friends or internally.But it just became exhausting to put it out on the internet. Over the last few years, outrage and abuse have become the staple for most online content across platforms. While I agree or disagree with some people's anger, I don't care for most of them. Not because I find their cause unworthy but simply that I just didn't give a shit. 

The passing of time allowed me to earn some more XP and possibly some wisdom too. In a space and cultural era where exclamations like "HOW COULD YOU?!" and "HOW DARE YOU?!" or "I'M OFFENDED"...it just became uninteresting to vent some of my petty and hopefully funny rants online. As the regime began cracking down on opposing or uncomfortable views, I found myself prioritizing my anonymity over broadcasting my opinion in the open. I have nothing to gain by exposing my whereabouts to those I consider to be the 'bad guys'. 

I also realised that I had nothing new to say. Since my life didn't change, my problems didn't change. As a result, there wasn't anything NEW to rant about either. Of course, the pandemic turned everything on its head and exposed just about every government in the world for their severe incompetence in the face of a true emergency. Not that it was a surprise to anyone who paid attention to their reality irrespective of political allegiance.

As someone who barely left home before nationwide lockdowns came into fashion, my lifestyle didn't change all that much. I'm lucky enough to live in a home with enough rooms to avoid stepping on the toes of my family members even though we've always been at home for over 6 months now. But there is a big difference in isolating by choice and forced isolation. For the sake of those important to me, I obeyed. I accepted this new hyper-aware, almost germaphobic living environment where my fingertips have gone a bit numb from all the hand sanitizer and soap I've used over the last 170 days or so. I've tried to keep my insides sanitised as well by occasionally dousing them with beverages that contain the chemical component required for efficient sanitisation : C2H5OH.

In that time period, a lot has happened in the narrow slices of the world I engage in and yet I could not bring myself to rant. I simply sat back and hoped that if the loonies are as wrong about the pandemic as I think they are...they'll end up dying to it or at least their elder relatives will. But since most idiots are younger or can afford healthcare, they seem to be surviving for now. Let's call this a long-game bet for now.

Then there are aging leaders who announce lockdowns like a teenager changes their relationship status on Facebook. Why can't they catch it while hugging their toxic friends and colleagues? Surely that'd speed up the cure and vaccination efforts a bit. On second thought, those in power might use us as the rhesus monkeys before injecting themselves, so perhaps it's better that it doesn't come to that then. Best case scenario? A fair average of aged poiliticians conk off till we have a reliable cure to the pandemic. There's no cure for being a politician.

Shit! I just think I just had a mini-rant in a post that was about telling you guys why there haven't been any rants on the blog for so long. But I guess this is proof to back up what I said earlier: I still love to rant...it just hasn't been fun for me to do so in a long time. But when it is, I'll be sure to put it up where it belongs...on the Sane Lunatic blog. 

In order to get this blog's cogs churning once again, I'm thinking of posting reviews of some of the movies I've watched during the lockdown. So, if you're into movie reviews and or rants, why not give the Sane Lunatic a follow and you'll get a rare email to let you know in case I've posted something new. Ciao.


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